PhD Students

Current PhD Students

The following PKU graduates supported by Melbourne International Engagement Awards are currently doing PhD in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne.

  • Lizhong Chen
  • Jiajun Tang
  • Zhenguo Wu
  • Chengyu Li
  • Jiabao Li
  • Songqi Han

Past PhD Students

  • Chao Zheng, PhD (UoM) 2018
  • He Huang, PhD (PKU) 2017, studied at MPRHMS during December 2015-January 2017 under the support of China Scholarship Council, jointly supervised by Professors Rongquan Feng and Sanming Zhou.
  • Teng Fang, PhD (PKU) 2016, studied in the School of Mathematics and Statistics, UoM from 8 October 2013 to 7 October 2015 under the support of China Scholarship Council, jointly supervised by Professors Xin Gui Fang and Sanming Zhou.

Student Experience

Chao ZHENG, 14 January 2016

I am Chao Zheng, a current PhD student in Statistics at the University of Melbourne. I completed my undergraduate degree (2009-2013) at the School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University. It is my pleasure to share some of my experience and I hope this will be helpful for you.


  • The School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne is one of the top ranked mathematics departments in Australia and around the world, and have a lot of active researchers in many fields of mathematical sciences.
  • The PhD program here typically takes about 3.5-4 years. Unlike US institutes, no PhD-level coursework is provided. A student will directly start research after commencement under the supervision of his/her supervisor. Thus, you will usually have a shorter PhD life comparing to US students.
  • The faculty members here are nice and approachable. Typically they are not likely to supervise too many students at the same time. They therefore have enough time to communicate in detail with individual students and provide guidance for your research.
  • The scholarships availability are very good (A$25,000 per year), which should be more than enough to cover your costs. This allows PhD students to concentrate on their own research project. Teaching opportunities are provided upon request, with an additional salary.
  • There are many other forms of resources and support provided by the school and the university, such as Travel Scholarships for those trying to attend overseas conferences and Industry Internships for those interested in finding an industry job after graduation.

Living:  Melbourne is an attractive place, with a beautiful environment and diverse cultures (world’s most livable city). The University of Melbourne is located in the city of Melbourne, within a walking distance from the CBD. The city is very convenient and has a large population of Chinese people, which can help you feel comfortable and get used to living here.

我是郑超, 本科毕业于北京大学数学科学学院, 现在澳大利亚墨尔本大学数学与统计学院攻读统计学博士。非常高兴能分享我在这里学习和生活的一些体验。希望能为大家提供一些帮助。


  • 学院在澳洲包括世界排名均居前列,在很多方向都有较强的科研力量。
  • 这里的博士项目不同于北美,通常3.5-4年完成。无需修读1-2年课程,而是直接由导师负责,从入学即开始科研。所以适合拥有一定科研经验和基础的同学。对于学生来说,这样的学制相比北美有时间优势。
  • 系里的老师都较为亲和,不存在一个老师同时指导很多博士的情况,博士生与导师关系一般都非常密切。导师会为学生的研究包括生活提供非常细致的指导和帮助。
  • 墨尔本大学提供的奖学金非常优厚,通常为大约25,000澳元每年,足够涵盖生活开支。且奖学金相当于北美的fellowship,没有额外的助教和助研要求,可以让学生更加专注自己的科研。助教可以根据自己的需求申请,会有额外的助教工资。
  • 系里和学校的资源较为丰富,跨学科之间的交流和合作项目有很多。学校和学院对于学生的各类需求都提供很多帮助,如对于参加学术会议和交流,有Travel Scholarship;对于有志去业界发展的博士生, 有industry internship的机会。


Teng FANG, 16 January 2016

It was a great and memorable experience that I studied in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne as a joint PhD student for two years. Staff members and students in the School are very friendly and warm to help. The research environment in the School is great, and it is convenient to look for papers or other materials through the library. I was co-supervised by a supervisor at the University of Melbourne when I was in Melbourne. Without his many important suggestions and essential help during my research I cannot complete my work. I was in the research group of discrete mathematics and algebraic combinatorics. Each semester we have a reading group focusing on a certain topic. The topics discussed include algebraic graph theory, combinatorial optimization and other discrete structures and algorithms. Thanks to these reading groups I got to know what problems researchers in related areas are interested in, and I also learnt some new knowledge that is of great help to my research. The city of Melbourne is also great: there are many excellent buildings and beautiful parks. Near the central business area there are many shopping malls and shops which make life convenient. I would like to thank the University of Melbourne, Peking University and the China Scholarship Council for providing me with this excellent opportunity to study abroad.
